5 Ways to Measure Results from Your Facebook Fan Page

Facebook marketing for business requires time and effort. As such, it is important to measure the growth of your fan page to monitor your performance and achieve the best results! You can use the following 5 indicators to set your goals or use them as benchmarks to measure your growth:

  1. Website traffic from your Facebook fan page
  2. New and active fans
  3. Interaction by visitors
  4. Number of Views for Individual Facebook Tabs
  5. Number of Views for Each Facebook Status Update


Image Source: Pixabay

1. Website Traffic from Your Facebook Fan Page

Visitor and traffic statistics is one of the best ways to measure your blog’s performance. You can easily install the free Google Analytics reporting function on your website to provide detailed information. Then, you can measure how many people came to your site via your Facebook Fan page. You’ll be able to see the number of unique visitors and visits of the people that are sent from your blog to your website.

2. New and Active Fans

In the “Page Overview” section of Insights, you can take a quick look at how many new fans (or “Likes”) your page has received as well as the number of your Page’s fans who are actively engaging with your content. These new fans are new sales leads for you!
Active users means people who are commenting, liking, or sharing your status updates with the rest of their Facebook Friends! Increasing your number of active users can help drive traffic and leads to your business.

3. Interaction by Visitors on Facebook

Also in the Page Overview is a snapshot of some engagement data that shows how much post feedback (i.e. Likes and comments on your Page) it has received in a given period of time. Look at the spike in Likes and comments, and determine which marketing activity occurred at the same time and could have contributed to this engagement boost. Plan more of the marketing tactics that cause spikes in Facebook fan engagement.

4. Number of Views for Individual Facebook Tabs

Under Facebook Insights’ “Users” tab, you can get the activity on each individual tab. You can use this data to understand which tabs on your Page are generating the most views, and improve tabs that aren’t generating much traffic. Also provided is a list of a Page’s top referring websites to help you understand where traffic to your Page is coming from

5. Number of Views & Interactions for Individual Facebook Status Updates

The “Interactions” tab of Facebook Insights allows you to view another meaningful piece of data: impressions and feedback of individual status updates. You can use this information to determine which type of content has a high number of views, comments, and likes. Then, produce more status updates around that topic! You can also use the comments to see if there’s any questions that your visitors want answers on – this will allow you to produce content that visitors want!

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About Author
Rohit is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TechZum.
